Coleman Pop up Camper Review and Tour
Hello readers, this episode is more of a special than anything. In this video I beg you to watch in its entirety I go over hauling, the wiring harness for lights, a complete guide to the outside of your pop up camper, and a thorough inside tour. This is a must see for anyone looking to buy a pop up camper or recent new owners who need the help. If you are a new owner congratulations. We are still slowly getting ready to head out next month on our adventure. As of today we are feeling confident that we are almost ready. We recently purchased a 1994 Ford Explorer to pull our new RV home and have gotten it all legal. We also purchased a wiring harness to get the lights on the camper running, and I installed it. This is shown on the video. We also purchased a few decoration items to have inside our camper to make it a bit more ours. The trips we have planned are going to be both education and fun for our viewers. We plan on visiting historical sites and fun sites to show ...