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Should I Become a YouTuber

  When I tell someone that I have a YouTube Channel I get one of two responses. Really, that's cool where can I find it? Or, there is no way I would put myself online like that for the world to make fun of.  Now, most people would absolutely love to be able to create videos and photographs from nothing. Maybe not to put online, but just be able to do it. It really isn't all that hard to take a picture or video from a phone that everyone has in their pockets. But, to be able to edit, upload, label, tag, monitor, and keep going each week is a different story. So, should you start a YouTube channel in 2020? I would have to say yes. If you have a passion to create and want the world to know it then by all means create, create, and then create. Just do it! What are you waiting for? Sign into your google account, go to YouTube, click on your account, and hit create channel. Start small and work your way up. Don't worry about zero view, zero subscribers, and negative comments. Tim

Working on The YouTube Channel

So here I am working on yet another YouTube channel. So far I only have 1 subscriber but I am getting a few views. To be honest that’s exactly what I want anyway. You can have a ton of subscribers but if they aren’t watching the videos then what good are they. Anyway, so far I have 4 videos up and counting.  I do all my filming on my iPhone 8 as of right now. I then use the AirDrop feature that Apple products have (I think its just BlueTooth in disguise) and move them over to my 2017 iPad. I do all my light editing on the iPad such as simple cuts, and clip placements. After I create the movie I again transfer the file on to my MacBook and finish the product such as adding any music, title cards, and upload it to YouTube.  To some this may seem like a weird process to use to make a simple YouTube video but it works for me.  I once had a few hundred subscribers on my old channel but was getting very few views. After I stopped and deleted my channel I now have a new opp