
Action Movie FX

The Action Movie FX generator is an easy to use, cookie cutter, point and film video effects app. It is easy to use and no skills are required. Just simply point your phone and film. It's really that easy. It comes with some free effects when you download it and you can buy extra effects for fairly cheap.   

What's on my iPad Pro

  Find out what is on my iPad Pro. See what apps I have and how I create content. My iPad Pro is my go to device for just about anything. I enjoy using the iPad for photo editing as well as video editing. Many of my videos are from the iPad software that I use to edit video. Check out the video above to see what apps I use. Thanks for visiting my website and check back for more great videos and podcasts. 

Grocery Shopping

  We went grocery shopping for my mom. The trip was nice and I got some footage of the shopping experience. I hope you enjoy a trip to Walmart. 

IPad Pro or MacBook

  The M1 iPad Pro is truly a beast in performance. The iPad can be used as both a tablet and a laptop. In this video I discuss how I use the M1 iPad Pro and how it can help you in your daily workflow. Please watch the video and don’t forget to like and subscribe. You can also check out the photography page and the podcast while you’re here. Thanks for visiting the DnicholsonTV website. 

Pittsburgh Zoo

  This video is about a day in the Pittsburgh Zoo. It was incredibly hot and the animals weren't moving around a lot. The zoo is very nice and the staff are all pleasant to talk to. We went to the zoo on May 12, 2022. It was a fun day. The worst part of the day was the driving. In the video you can tell my excitement about finally arriving in Pittsburgh. 

Funniest Questions to ask Someone

  This is one of the best vlogs/podcast we've made so far. We discuss weird news, music history, our picks are the funniest questions to ask someone and we discuss Nikkis weight loss surgery. 

Weight Loss Surgery

  In this video Nikki discusses the pre-op procedures involved in weight loss surgery. We discuss the doctors appointments, diets, and other special things needed before having the surgery done. She talks about what doctors appointments she had to attend, different classes she had to sit through, and her diet and what she was allowed to eat before surgery. This is a must watch for anyone thinking of having the surgery done.