Apple iPhone 8 My Thoughts

Apple iPhone 8 My Thoughts 
Let’s talk about the iPhone. After using the iPhone 5c a few years back I decided it was time for an upgrade. Of course at that time I was still new to the iPhone scene and enjoyed using the smaller size. When my “contract” was up with AT&T I went in looking for a new iPhone because I had fallen in love with iOS. To my surprise they only had the iPhone 6 and 6s available at the time and they where just to big for me to enjoy. I mean, after all, I was accustomed to a smaller phone after using the 5c for so long. 

After browsing the store looking at all of my selections the sales rep advised me to try an Android based phone if I wanted a smaller handset. “Oh No” he was pushing the other guys…… I immediately stopped that train and told him I wanted an iPhone. So the salesperson then advised me that the new iPhone SE was coming out and it was the same size as the older iPhones. Of course I was excited and waited it out. 

Here we are again, two years later, I have joined the bigger phone crowd and purchased the new iPhone 8. Not the 8 plus just the 8. I do love my iPhone 8 in every way. The things that I love the most are that it is just gorgeous to look at. I love how the base model comes with more memory than the previous models, I have 64 gb of storage on this thing, that’s more than my iPad Air. I love the bigger screen even though I didn’t think I would, and I love the display. I even love that the new earbuds are used by the lighting port and not a headphone jack. With the new update I can use them on my iPad Air as well. 
Of course within a couple of weeks of my new iPhone purchase the iPhone X was released, but that was okay. Just like the bigger size phone I fought for so long, I am not ready for a full screen iPhone. I just wouldn’t feel right to me not having the home button on the bottom of my handset. 

Apple just does everything right in my book. I have very few brands that I am loyal to, Apple has won me over. This new iPhone 8 is just about as classy as it comes for a cell phone. Today at work I had the opportunity to use a pre-paid android ZTE and once again I realized, “Apple I Love You”. 


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