My iPad Air is Good Enough For Me

My iPad Air is Good Enough For Me

To be honest I feel at times like I need to make a purchase, a new iPad. I have been using the iPad Air for a long time it seems. Notice I said iPad Air with no 2 after it. That’s right, I use the original iPad Air for all my tablet needs. I have Microsoft Word downloaded on it along with some games and a Gmail app. 

Mostly I use my iPad for web browsing and email, nothing more. I know if I was to go out and buy a brand new iPad Pro I’d still only use it for the same things, so I can’t really justify that type of purchase. 

So many articles are on the web just praising the new iPad Pro for everything from more power, to even replacing the laptop as a personal computer. In a way, I can understand how some people would like to use a tablet for their everyday computer. I mean, lets look at this in their eyes for a moment. Light weight, compact, Apple iOS, touch screen, and enough power for everyday use. Sounds like a great deal for me. 

Now lets look at the accessories. If you want a keyboard that’s extra of course, but it’ll be closer to an actual laptop with one. The Apple Pencil is $100 more as well, but it will give the architect, designer, or artists a much better experience. Now I haven’t done the math myself but many articles have explained that this is just as much as a MacBook Pro when totaled up. Many have said that the weight with a case, keyboard, and tablet is equal if not more than the MacBook, and MacBook Air. 

For me personally, I love nothing better than banging out the words on my old fashioned laptop. I don’t feel that a tablet could ever replace the computer in my eyes. Again this is just my opinion, I think that if you would like to have a iPad as your personal computing device, then you go. For me, the tablet will always have a great place in my heart as a web surfing, emailing, gaming machine that is a ton of fun in the evenings on my couch. 

So, my iPad Air 1 is the perfect iPad for me. I don’t see myself running out the local Best Buy or Staples and grabbing up the new iPad Pro or even the new iPad anytime soon. As long as my old tablet works anyway. 


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