Harrys.com Razor Review

Harrys.com Razor Review

This is an article all about shaving. I’m almost forty at this point in my life and have used everything from Gillette, Dollar General razors, Bic, Family Dollar razors, and Wal-Mart plus many others I’m sure. I have to shave my head and face at least every other day so I absolutely hate shaving. I’m sure a lot of other guys out there hate shaving too. 

While traveling to work a few years ago I listened regularly to a radio show called Lex and Terry. These guys just gave a great show and it was geared toward men. They would advertise different products on their show for men. Harrys razors was a regular ad and I became intrigued by how well they sounded. After a few weeks of hearing the ads I became to intrigued and looked them up online at Harrys.com

The site is amazingly easy to navigate and I found everything I needed easily. Actually they had a starter pack available to order right on the main page. I ordered the Truman set for $15 and shipping was free. They have a few colors to choose from and as scene in the photo I got the blue. I was surprised at how fast shipping was since it only took a few days for me to receive my order. 

The care they put into everything is wonderful. The packaging was even beautifully done, although that didn’t matter to me. The product itself is German engineered (whatever that means) by their own private factory and the handle is nicely weighted. The razor heads have five blades on them along with a trimmer blade on top. The shave is every bit as good if not better than any other brand I’ve tried and for way less money. Also I must say that these blades last me for at least three or four weeks each.

Now, on the site you can either sign up for a membership and have these products shipped to you each month, or you can just go on the site and order as you need to. I did the latter so I wasn’t committed to any membership or monthly payment. Nowadays I just go to my local Target and buy my Harrys products so I don’t have to wait for them. 

Either way you decide to check them, out online or at Target, I do recommend Harrys for all your shaving needs. My wife uses them also and loves these razors. It’s also worth mentioning that they have a free trial with three dollar shipping on the site as of this writing. 


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