Roseanne Reboot Premier Review

Roseanne Revival/Reboot

So last night America tuned in to see the long awaited revival of an American sitcom called Roseanne. What was the show about? Did it live up to the hype? Will it last another season? Let’s take a deeper look at the premiere millions of people watched and see what we think. 

First off let me just say I am a huge fan of the 80s and 90s version of this show. Although the shows final 9th season was not all that great in my opinion, I did stay loyal to the bitter end. Like most other folks my age, I remember sitting on the couch with my parents watching shows such as The Cosby Show, Full House, A Different World, and of course Roseanne. Many of these shows have that nostalgic feel and like the Full House reboot Fuller House, I anxiously awaited the premier of Roseanne. 

The opening sequence of the Conner living room had me hooked right from the start. The Conner family couch and afghan draped over the back, the famous Godzilla monster perched on the mantel, and the arch leading into the Conner kitchen brought a wave of memories back from an ancient childhood that all the sudden didn’t seem so long ago. Next we are given a similar opening credit sequence with music that almost matched the original. It was similar enough to know you are watching Roseanne. 

The Conner family even though aging still seems to have the same humor and values that they had 20 years ago. Although grown and having children of her own, younger daughter Darlene is living at home with her parents. Becky on the other hand is living nearby and visits on a regular basis. The same goes for DJ who has just returned from serving his country in the middle east. Jerry, the baby of the Conner family is apparently still serving and isn’t seen in the premiere. 

The one thing that I have read and this may have a negative impact on the show is the political nature of the conversations. Roseanne being a Trump supporter has caused a feud to develop between her and her sister Jackie. The two sisters throw one liners at each other arguing their point of views about political issues including gun control and voting. Many viewers have jumped on line to voice their own opinions about the political feel of the Roseanne premier. Some of course loved it, while others said that they would rather not watch it due to the pro Trump views. 

All in all, Roseanne has never failed to shock, entertain, and make us think about our own lives while watching. The true nature of this show has always been to touch on topics that other shows would never dare step on. To me, it feels like the Roseanne sitcom will be making its way back into homes for years to come, after all over 18 million viewers tuned in to see what their favorite blue color family has been up to over the past 20 years. 


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