Why Apple Is The Best

Why I Choose Apple

Apple products are truly a great buy. Yes they my more expensive but they also work great, last longer, and connect better. Apple Inc. has been a long standing company in the US and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. 

Apple helps buyers choose the device that is good for their needs. Most stores nowadays don’t have the employees on staff to spend time explaining products to customers, but Apple does and will take the time. Each and every Apple Store employee is knowledgeable about their products and will take the time to find out your needs and then give you a suggested product that will meet those needs. Not like the other stores that give you a person that doesn’t understand the products, if you get help at all. 

Apple products go together seamlessly. I never understood or even cared about the Apple ecosystem until I experienced it myself. My apps download on my iPad and iPhone at the same time, hand off makes it easy to switch devices and work on the same file, I can answer calls on all of my devices and so on. Apple just makes things easier to use. 

The operating system is simple to understand. Anyone can pick up an Apple product and just use it. They may not be able to do everything on it at first but after a few moments things just come together. I have learned the MacOS better and faster than I have ever understood the WindowsOS. Mac is just user friendly. I use my MacBook (2016) for my main computer. I go to school, surf the web, write this blog, and so much more on my MacBook. 

The iPad is next to excellence. My iPad is one of the best devices I have ever seen. This device running on the current iOS 11.3 is just about as good as any PC I’ve ever used. The multi tasking and drag and drop features make it more productive and more like a laptop than a tablet. Most people at first thought that the iPad was just an overgrown iPhone and they where right, but it has come along way since those days. I use my tablet to surf the web, send emails, go to school, watch videos, and well just about anything I do on my laptop. Plus it’s easy to carry around. 

And of course no Apple lineup would be complete without the iPhone. My iPhone 8 is my go to device for texting, talking, checking email, and weight management. I know I can text on my laptop and tablet but it just feels better doing it on my iPhone. Weird I know. But, either way I use my phone as, well, a phone. I don’t do a lot of web browsing on my phone because I usually have my iPad with me for that. I don’t watch a lot of videos on my iPhone for the same reason. 

Apple products are just good products that work. They tend to last longer than any Widows or Android systems and look better in my opinion. I do love a good looking electronic device. Why do you use the system you use, either Windows or Mac. Make your argument below. Everyone is different and uses their preferred OS for a reason. So no hate here. 


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