A New MacBook Air For My Mom!

Today, I had the privilege and honor to escort my mom to the local Best Buy for a new computer. Looking forward to the event, I had made the point that since she already had an iPad and iPhone that a new MacBook computer would be an excellent idea. Mom didn’t disagree with the thought so thats where we headed when we entered the store. 

Walking up to the beautiful hard wood tables with the gorgeous Apple products setting on them she had her choice of products from iMacs, all the way down to the perfectly suited MacBook Air. As we looked over the machines a man with a black Apple shirt on approached us asking if he could help us with anything. We had pretty much decided that the Air would be a perfect fit for my moms needs and we where standing in front of the Air when he approached us. 

I’m not quite sure why he didn’t just jump at the opportunity to sell the Air when we told him what we where interested in but he didn’t. The gentleman although not really rude seemed to be pushing for my mom to buy a MacBook Pro. Now remember we are looking for a machine that goes online to FaceBook, iMessage, FaceTime and pays a few bills on different websites. Maybe once in a while this would be used for typing up a church news letter or other random document that could be completed on pages. 

Of course he really didn’t seem to care about that, but instead kept pushing the Pro or 12 inch MacBook for the retina screens. After we reassured him that the Air was the perfect fit for moms needs we walked out of Best Buy with a brand new MacBook Air. I truly couldn’t be happier of my mom for taking the leap to MacOS. Of course as in any type of new purchase there will be learning curve since her last laptop of many years has been a ChromeBook but we will get her used to it. As I said she is no stranger to Apple having used an iPhone and iPad for the past few years. 

The Apple ecosystem is a wonderful environment to enjoy. Syncing devices and using the iCloud to pick up where you have left of on another device is truly a great luxury to have. Using cloud storage to be able to grab photos or documents on any device or just relaxing and enjoying the perfect beauty of any one of your Apple devices brings a smile to any owners face. Welcome to world of MacOS. 


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