New YouTube Channel

David Nicholson

Good news everyone! I have restarted my Youtube Channel and posted the link above. Please go and subscribe and if you have any suggestions for future videos please leave them in the comments below. It has been a long time coming I know, but I have been battling with the depression that comes with Bipolar disorder and just haven't had the energy or will power to get it up and going again. I hope that I can keep it going this time and continue to help it grow. I really haven't had any great ideas for content so I guess it will just be a variety of things that interest me until I build it up and start getting ideas from viewers of from YOU my readers.

Some things that do interest me are of course Apple products, Vape gear, technology of any kind, travel, the Bible, and television shows. So I guess I have that much to work with for now. Keeping a YouTube channel going isn't anything easy. It requires commitment, time, and a constant watch for interesting content. You have to stay up with whatever is trending right now and learn new YouTube algorithms to keep your channel in the search engines. Even I haven't learned how it all works yet but will continue to research this and hopefully my channel with show up in searches.

Please feel free to leave comments and help my channel grow by subscribing and telling friends to read my blog and watch my channel. Thank You.


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