iPhone XR Review

Look at this great looking iPhone XR! A budget phone? I do not think so! For the low, low price of $749 for the basic 64 gig version this affordable budget phone can be yours. Thats right $749 for this so called budget phone.

Apple created this phone for one reason, to make money. The iPhone XR is a great phone none the less. It has almost all the same features as the iPhone XS and XS Max. The difference is in the screen and the back camera lenses.

Of course this isn't to say that the screen is bad or the camera is bad. Both of these features are excellent in every way. The XR has a slightly bigger screen than the XS and uses an LCD screen where the XS has an OLED screen. The XRs screen does not support 3D Touch either. I have been using the XR for a few days and found that I don't miss the 3D Touch and never really used it to begin with.

As for the camera differences I found that the XR has a single camera on the back of it while the XS has two cameras. This does slightly change the portrait mode but not enough to make anyone complain in my opinion. My wife and I used the portrait mode on the XR and found the pictures to be very beautiful with the XRs camera.

There are a few other differences that can be found such as the XRs aluminum frame verses the steel band on the XS, and the XR is a little less water resistant than the XS. These are just a few of the things people are complaining about instead of praising the great things that the XR has to offer. The XR is $250 cheaper than the XS, the XR is bigger than the entry level XS, the XR has a better battery than the XS, and the XR comes in more colors than the XS.

Using my new iPhone XR has been a pleasure for me. It did take a little bit the get used to the home button missing but after a couple of days screen navigation has become  more easy and almost normal feeling to me. If anything I would say that the iPhone lineup is and always will live up to Apples high expectations of their products. Anytime you purchase and Apple product wether it be a phone, tablet, laptop, iPod or any other product you expect it to be great. The new iPhone XR doesn't disappoint in anyway.


  1. Very interesting blog....Thanks for sharing specification and price of iPhone XR. Looking for trendy design phone covers of iPhone XR you can see this blog.


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