Podcasting For Beginners For Free


What's going on dear, dear, readers? Today’s blog is all about podcasting. I realize I covered some of this a couple of weeks back but I just felt the need to go further into the whole idea of podcasting. 

For quite a while I thought podcasting made zero sense. I was always like why would anyone want to be a podcaster when they could be a YouTuber? I was kinda on the same page as radio hosting. Why be a DJ or radio host when you could be on TV? It wasn’t until I tried my hand at podcasting until I was hooked on it just as much as I was at making a YouTube video. Podcasting is so much fun!

With Podomatic.com you can easily become a podcaster and give it a try. You simply go to the website, create a FREE account, title, describe your show, and create your first episode. It really is that simple. Kinda like making a FaceBook page. With podomatic you can download an app for your device and record and upload episodes right there on your phone or tablet. Although I recommend doing things a little different like editing in GarageBand or Final Cut Pro. Even iMovie would work and all of this is talked about in the video above.  

Owning a podcast gives you the time to let out all of your creativity and ideas. It’s a way to share your thoughts with others and meet like minded people. You’ll have the opportunity to broadcast to the world and tell them how you work, what ideas you have, or just make them laugh. My episodes cover my passions and my ideas. I try to keep them 20 minutes or under and add a little bit of myself into them. 

So go create and have fun. 


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