Chase Tripod Review

 This little tripod was in a display box in front of the electronics section of my local Walmart. It had a shiny box that showed people having fun with the tripod as well as flaunted a low price of just $14.88. Of course me being the tech guru that I am picked it up and looked more closely at the box. 

I was instantly hooked. The box told wonders of object and facial recognition as well as a full 360 degree turning radius. Wow I thought to myself. How can this be? I put the box in my buggy and continued shopping around. I began to feel my patience running thin and started to rush my wife to leave so we could go home and I could play with my new exciting toy. 

Ok, so here we go. Upon arrival at home I noticed that the tripod required 3 AA batteries not included. I also read that another app needed downloading. I took care of those minor things and began my adventure. After reading all the directions and following them perfectly I noticed that the tripod was not following my face. So I set it up again, then again, and one more time. Nothing. So disappointing it was. I decided to quit for the night. 

The next morning I hesitantly decided to try one more time. I set the tripod up following the directions and  to my amazement I had face recognition. The tripod followed my movements to the right but very sloppily. It jerked and hesitated on each motion then lost my face recognition and quit working. I never got it to move to the left at all. 

So alas, my new toy will be returning to the box in front of the Walmart electronic section to beckon another tech lover. Goodbye my friend, I hardly knew you.  


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