Are Apple Products The Best

Just to get this out of the way I am an Apple fan one hundred percent. I love everything that Apple has to offer and in no way want to switch back to PC. But, do I think that YOU would think Apple is the best? That is a good question. 

MacBook Pro

There are a few reasons I like Apple as much as I do and I want to share them with you. One reason is of course design. Let’s be honest there simply isn’t a better looking computer on the market. Apple has the best looking laptops and desktops out there. The machine finished aluminum design makes even the hardest to impress drool at the site. From the simple iPhone line to the high end Mac line Apple has the market cornered on sheer beauty. 

Next I love the integration of the products. I can start writing an article or making a video on my iPhone, then move over to my iPad, and finish up on my MacBook. It’s really that simple. All Apple products play so nice together and sync up so easily using iCloud. All you have to do is simply log in when you make your new device purchase and Apple does the rest. 

Of course software plays a huge part in my love of Apple. Apple makes all their own hardware and software in house. By doing this the devices run oh so smooth. From WatchOS, iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS each operating system is designed to run on said hardware. I’ll admit at first I was doubtful I’d really love iPads, but after using them I was hooked. Now that Apple has spun iPadOS off of iOS the iPad is really ready to be used for real work and can even fill in for a laptop for most people. As for other Apple owned OS’s they are all easy to navigate and after a couple of hours you too could be a real expert on any Apple device. 
Apple iPad

When it comes to using a MacBook I find that I can get more work done and find what I am looking for quicker and easier on MacOS. This could be due to the fact that I don’t use Windows based PCs that often. Honestly a Mac is just easier and more fun to use for me. I do YouTube videos and write on this blog all from my iPad Pro and MacBook Pro and at this time I have an 256gb external SSD as well as an external HDD plugged into my MacBook with zero issues saving files and backups. I also use a thumb drive on my iPad Pro again with zero issues. 

Of course you may say the same things about a Windows based PC. You may not have any sort of need or idea to switch to Apple although if you’re reading this I’d say you may have thought about it. Look, honestly nothing I can say or anyone else for that matter can make your mind up but you. So, I’ll just say go to a Best Buy or Apple Store and try out a Mac, iPad, or iPhone and see if they fit your needs. If you want to try out an iPad to replace your laptop I’d recommend Apple Magic Keyboard as an accessory. I have one and the track pad and light up keyboard are the perfect add on to make this machine a productivity work horse. 


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