Can My 12.9 inch M1 iPad Pro Replace my MacBook

 I am writing this article on my 12.9 inch M1 iPad Pro. I’ve been using this iPad for a few months now and have to say that it is the best iPad I have ever owned. It’s been my go to device for all sorts of things. I’d have to say that I love owning this iPad. 

12.9 inch M1 iPad Pro

Can this iPad replace a laptop? Let’s look into that a little. For starters I am a true fan of Apple products. I am the proud owner of this 12.9 inch M1 iPad Pro with the Magic Keyboard case, a 2018 15 inch Intel Core i7 MacBook Pro, an iPhone 11 (I know I need to upgrade), and an Apple HomePod. As you can see I try to be completely Apple. 

The things I do on my iPad Pro are pretty simple for the most part. I write in my Zenn Journal, create thumbnails for my YouTube Videos, write for this website, work on my book, read books, do some light video editing in LumaFusion, surf the web, and edit my photos (can be seen in the photography page) in PixelMator Photo. My iPad can handle all of these tasks without breaking a sweat. The iPad Pro is great at all the tasks I can throw at it. 

But is that enough to replace my MacBook? Honestly I use my iPad way more than I use my MacBook. I can’t lie about that. As mentioned my iPad is my go to device but I still need my MacBook. My iPad can not open files from my Sony MKii camera. I use my Sony camera to record my YouTube videos. The only videos I edit on my iPad come directly from my iPhone camera. It may read other files from other cameras but I haven’t tried. Plus I need my Final Cut Pro. That is a software that simply isn’t available from the App Store on the iPad. 

For me the iPad can not replace my MacBook. This isn’t due to the lack of power or the limited multitasking abilities of iPadOS. Most people complain about the limited abilities of iPadOS or the lack of  the multiuser feature. But I get along with all of that fine. I love my iPad and use it every single day. But the lack of Final Cut Pro and the fact that it won’t read video files from my camera mean that it can not replace my MacBook. And that’s fine. I use the iPad when I can and when I need to use my MacBook I go sit at my desk and use it. 

One thing that I love the most about my iPad is that I can grab it and go. I take it to work with me and I throw it in my backpack and go. My MacBook has external hard drives plugged into it all the time and it is heavier and bigger than my iPad so it lives permanently on my desk. My iPad is my grab and go item. Nothing beats the iPad for mobility. 


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