Dollar Shave Club Six Blade Razor

 So I used to use Harrys razors. I used Harrys for quite a few years. Then something changed about the blades. They started cutting me and at times cutting me pretty bad. The moisturizing strip also started falling off all of the time. This was happening during the first shave of the blade too. I was having to change brand new blades all of the time. It got ridiculous. I decided I had enough of the Harrys razors and made the switch to Dollar Shave Club. 

Now I am not going to say that everything I write or say about Dollar Shave Club will be the same experience you’ll get but maybe it will help you make a decision to try them out for yourselves. Now I read a ton of reviews about Dollar Shave Club six blade razor. Most of the reviews are negative unless you find the ones that are promotional reviews. I think that these negative reviews are from long time users of the club and are angry that they switched blades and handles. The old six blade razor was called the executive and the club did away with that blade and handle and switched to what they call the club series six blade and handle. It is a completely different set up. 

Ok, now the reviews say things like the blades are dull, you can only get one shave out of each blade, the blade is hard to attach to the handle, the blade falls off all of the time, and the moisturizing strip falls off. I am here to say that in my opinion NONE of this is true. Of course others may have had bad experiences with their razors. I bought the club series six blade razor at Walmart. I did not order it from the website. Maybe that makes a difference I don’t know. But I have had nothing but good experiences with my razor. 

Now when I first used my new Dollar Shave Club razor I attached it to the handle just fine. It was very easy to do. I simply held the button that detaches the blade and slid the prongs into the new cartridge, released the button, and pulled the new cartridge from the holder. Zero problems. I lathered up my face and head and went to town shaving myself. I will say that I had to run over some places more than once to get that smooth clean shave feeling. It wasn’t nothing major that was a deal breaker for me. Even with Harrys I had to run over the same places a couple of times. The cartridge did not fall off of the handle one time. I’ve been using these razors now for a few months and have never had a cartridge fall off of the handle. When I was finished shaving my face and head as always I rubbed my hands over my head and face and felt for rough patched. I found nothing. The shave was clean and smooth. I will also say that these blades last me longer than one shave. I shave my head and face every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Shaving all these days I get a good two weeks out of each blade. Sometimes longer. 

So, I am not saying you will get the same experience that I get when using the DSC. All I can speak about is my own experiences using these blades. I hope that this little review will help you decide to give them a try and see what happens. They have a starter set for pretty cheap so it won’t be a huge cost to try them out. 

Update: I’ve been using the same blade for a month now and it is still going strong. Remember I shave my head and face. These blades are really good. 


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