
 Is blogging dead? Is there a future in blogging? I don’t have the answers to these questions. I don’t even know what blogging platform is the best to use. I write on blogger. It isn’t the fanciest website but it works for me. I get a free site, unlimited storage, I can upload my YouTube videos directly onto the blog page, and it just works. I don’t know what else to say about it. 

There is one question that I found interesting about blogging. People are asking if you can blog from an iPad? I do. I may not be the best writer or the biggest blogger out there. I may not have the best website and the most views but I do write and upload to a website. Things that I like about blogging from an iPad are ease of use, and built in camera. I don’t use the blogger app, I just go to the website. I’ve never downloaded the Wordpress apps either. All I do is go to the blogger site and write. 

I’m not a fancy kind of guy but I do love Apple Products very much. My idea of a great time is visiting the Apple Store. I love looking at all of the new phones, iPads, Macs, and watches. It’s a nice place to be. 
So when I purchased my first iPad keyboard I was in Heaven. I knew at that point that I could write on my iPad. Since the above picture I now have the 12.9 inch iPad Pro with the M1 chip and Apples Magic Keyboard. 
Blogging on an iPad is not only easy for me but it’s also fun. I get more fun out of using my iPad than I do using my MacBook Pro. Don’t get me wrong I love my MacBook Pro and could probably download some amazing blogging apps and turn into a professional blogger on it overnight, but I would rather keep my blogger site and write when I feel like writing. Although I have been thinking hard about turning it up a notch. 
