
Is Depression Your Fault

h I used to listen to all the wrong people. I actually believed and still do at times that my mental illness was my own fault. Power through, push through, think about something else, there's nothing wrong with you, you don't look sick, I've heard them all. I was told I was lazy, no good, useless, worthless and more. I still to this day feel that way about myself. This video talks about how this isn't our fault and that we are just sick. Being sick isn't anyones fault it just happens. Except it, take medicine, go to therapy, and live the best that we can. We can only do what our bodies and minds will lets us do.   

Surviving Suicide

Suicide is a touchy subject but still needs to be discussed. Suicide affects millions around the world. What causes it? How do we stop it? In this video we look at these questions. I discuss signs of suicide as well as what it's like to face suicide. I am a suicide survivor and I want to share my experience with the world. Watch this video to learn more about suicide. If you are thinking about suicide then call the suicide prevention number in the video. Seek help immediately or go to the closest ER.   

Depression Part 3

     Depression and Bipolar Disorder are real illnesses and can affect a life dramatically. In this video I talk about doing what you can, and not over doing it. I also discuss how being on a routine can help manage some of the symptoms of mental illness. July is disability pride month so lets celebrate the lives of those with a disability. Remember that people with a disability are people too. We need to come together and be the best we can be even with disabilities. 

Overcoming Depression

This week I decided to continue a series on depression. There are ways to help relieve some of the symptoms of depression. Finding a hobby or simply petting an animal can help overcome severe depression. In this video I discuss ways to overcome depression and help relieve some of the symptoms. I am no doctor nor am I a therapist but I live with chronic depression and bipolar disorder. I've lived with this since I was fourteen and I am now forty three. I know what depression is and I know what helps me. Sometimes depression wins while other times I can manage to force myself into doing something. I feel better after I use the tips from the video. Please watch and don't forget to subscribe.   


  Depression is an illness no-one wants to admit to having. Everyday millions of people walk around with depression. They have to force themselves out of bed and build up the energy to face the day with a fake smile. This video talks about my depression. I want to create a series of videos talking about my depression and bipolar disorder to help others. 

FxGuru Special Effects App

FxGuru is another point and shoot special effects video app. It is free to download and has a few free special effects. You can also buy more special effects at a reasonable price. Add any special effects to your videos with FxGuru and make your videos a little better. FxGuru is an excellent way to spice up your video.   

Action Movie FX

The Action Movie FX generator is an easy to use, cookie cutter, point and film video effects app. It is easy to use and no skills are required. Just simply point your phone and film. It's really that easy. It comes with some free effects when you download it and you can buy extra effects for fairly cheap.